AMPO 100% Saudi Owned Company established in February 1983 is a leader in the field of Fabrication of Structural Steels and Pipe Spools for Petrochemical Plants, Oil & Gas Plant, Power & Water Industries, Infrastructure Developments and etc. Our manufacturing facilities are approved by Saudi Aramco, SABIC Companies, Saudi Electricity Co., Royal Commission, MODA, Qatar Petroleum PRHS Gas Plant & ISO 9001.
The Fabrication shop is designed to fabricate 18,0000/annually Metric Tons of Steel Structures & 2,000/annually Metric Tons of Pipe Spools, supported with fully equipped high range of modern Fabrication Machineries linked to design and detailing departments.
Quality is the first consideration with every part run at Arabian Metal Products Organization (AMPO), Starting at the engineering and production planning stages and extending on to the shop floor through final inspection, quality is constantly monitored. On time performance is meaningless if a vendor can't deliver a quality pad when it is needed.
Arabian Metal Products Organization (AMPO) maintains a full complement of inspection equpment that is calibrated on a regular basis to ensure conformance